
The 100

1. I am at work. 2. I love my job. 3. I can’t believe that I am surrounded by people that are so uplifting… all the time. 4. I hope that I am just as uplifting as they are. 5. I enjoy asking my roommate random questions before we go to sleep at night. 6. Last night’s question was: “if you could sum up your life in one word, what would you want it to be?” 7. She answered: “Service.” 8. I answered: “Love.” 9. That reminds me of a conference I went to last summer… we were asked this question: “What is your shadow mission?” (a mission based on self-interest that is a skewed version of your God-given mission) 10. Mine came to mind fairly quickly. 11. I’m listening to “Boards of Canada” right now. 12. I’m really enjoying ambient music these days. 13. I’m exploring what it means to communicate in non-verbal ways. 14. Sometimes I am too verbal, I think. 15. I want my actions to line up with my words. 16. Leading a life of consistency and balance is one of my most important values. 17. I also value honesty. 18. I’m also afraid of honesty. 19. I like praying with people. 20. I feel like people are in a state of utmost honesty when they pray. 21. Listening to the sound of the Truth being preached through the walls of the prayer room is one of my favorite sounds. 22. If anyone I work with were to read this they’d probably give me a lot of Churchy Points for saying that. 23. But I truly believe it. 24. I hate being called Churchy. 25. There are few things that offend me more. 26. Whoo, that got my heart going. 27. On to better things. 28. I’m not doing so well at playing the mandolin. 29. I’m not getting in very much practice time. 30. If it weren’t so windy, I’d take it to the park and practice in the sun. 31. Then, I would have dinner with my dad. 32. Sometimes being with my dad is a strange mixture of encouragement and frustration. 33. Lately more frustration than encouragement. 34. Someone he is close to died recently. 35. I wish that times like these would drive him into Jesus’ arms for comfort. 36. I know they do, but he fights His embrace pretty hard. 37. I don’t believe him when he tells me that he’s far from God. 38. I believe he’s closer than he thinks… he’s just scared as hell (and scared of hell). 39. Again, I wish he’d run to Jesus. 40. I can hear Anchordown practicing right now. 41. They’re playing the song “Thank You for Loving Me”. 42. It’s bringing tears to my eyes. 43. I love that sound, too… the sound of worship practice through the walls of my office. 44. “Practicing worship” is an interesting phrase. 45. “Practicing worship” should overtake “Worship Practice”. 46. I recently was able to truly practice worship during a worship practice. 47. It was incredibly refreshing and real. 48. I can’t believe I’m on #48. 49. There are so many things I should be doing right now. 50. This list is not one of them. 51. I need to make a phone call regarding the printing of new programs for Living Stones. 52. I can’t stand talking on the phone. 53. Text messaging is even worse (but I do it anyway). 54. Texting isn’t even a word. 55. It has a squiggly red line beneath it. 56. That never signifies anything positive. 57. Misspellings can be funny. 58. The church recently made new coffee cart coupons and there was an awesome typo on the back. 59. Instead of “specialty” coffees, it says “speciality” coffees. 60. I’m not sure if Grace or Living Stones can call coffee it’s “speciality”. 61. We’re getting new coffee soon. 62. It’s Rwandan coffee… buying it supports local farmers and helps rebuild the war-torn country. 63. Shameless plug. 64. I actually had this coffee at a conference last fall. 65. Didn’t really like it—but it wasn’t brewed very well, that’s why. 66. I’m fairly certain that I make my coffee too strong. 67. I’ll probably get an ulcer or something. 68. But, by gosh, I love coffee. I will love it to the end. 69. Good to the last drop, right? 70. Hmmm… Brandon Heath just came on my iTunes playlist. 71. I have mixed feelings about his music. 72. I like it most of the time. 73. He is a good looking fellah. 74. “Fellah” is a strange word. 75. It looks Arabic. 76. What a language that is! 77. I’ve heard that speaking it can be equated with trying to talk with a spoonful of peanut butter in your mouth. 78. Sign me up… NOT. 79. I have a friend that used to eat spoonfuls of peanut butter. 80. He used to put a divot in the center with his tongue and put chocolate sauce in the center. 81. Chocolate makes everything better. 81. I miss that friend. 82. He is with the Lord. 83. Sometimes I picture him in heaven. 84. He’s in a log cabin house (which Jesus’ hands built together with his hands) with light streaming in and around and through the house. 85. There’s tall grass surrounding it—blowing in a gentle breeze. 86. It may not be Biblically accurate and good eschatology… but it’s a comforting picture for my feeble mind to wrap itself around. 87. My phone just rang… it startled me! 88. I love drinking room temperature water. 89. Not too cold, but not at all warm. 90. I’m going to a softball game tonight. 91. I wonder if it will be cancelled because of the wind. 92. If so, no bother… I’ve got plenty to keep me occupied at home. 93. I love saying the word “home”. 94. It feels good to have some semblance of a home on this earth. 95. It’s been a while since I’ve felt that way. 96. This list is 3 pages long at 12-point font. 97. Again, I’m probably too verbal. 98. But it feels good to write and to be myself. 99. I hope Jesus is pleased with that.

1 comment:

Nikki Fuller said...

that was awesome! Thanks for sharing!