
We Need To Talk

Have a seat. This may take a while.
Friends, being that the blog is the communicative tool that it is and being that I am as hungry for observations and insights as I am, I am going to open up a giant can of worms.
I am on staff at my church here in Reno and we are currently in the process of probing and exploring what is being termed the Emerging Church Movement. Yes, big can of worms. But we know that big worms catch big fish. Don't ask me what that's supposed to mean. : )
My first encounter with the words "emerging" and "emergent" was not a good one. A good friend of mine warned me of this phenomenon and it's penchant for watered-down or false doctrine. I looked it up myself, went to emergentvillage.com, and found little or no information. I was able to put the whole issue on the back burner for a while. That is, until it started hissing, the lid started jumping and fizzing and the whole pot boiled over onto everything. I can't ignore it now. It's something I have to think about ... pretty much every day. I have to stir this pot, look at its ingredients, taste it, carefully watch what I put into it and take out of it.
Honestly, the Lord has been faithful to lead us (the people I work with and myself) in Truth thus far. I have been amazed at how "not-scary" the conversation has been. There are indeed some exciting changes happening in Western culture and in the church. However, I proceed with caution, for as the day draws near, many will seek to have their ears tickled and egos stroked -- and turn away from the One who calls us to love enemies, bless persecutors, turn cheeks and who calls our hearts to embrace the sting of suffering.
Bottom line ... I want to know what you think. Anyone, everyone, from every context and country and culture ... if you have something to say, please do. What do you think is happening in the Western World? Are we experiencing a cultural shift? What does emerging mean to you? What have you found out there? I would love to hear your perspectives and thoughts. Shoot me a comment or an e-mail. Thanks, everyone.


Antonia Jacobson geb Oehm said...

Oh, I just read your last 2 entries...and I loved to hear from you!!! It is so nice to hear that you are still fighting! And I also know what it is like to feel like a child. I am turning 24 and life generally seems quite serious...and so often I just feel like crawling in my bed, hiding under my blanket and deny any difficulties. But God is faithful.
"Faithful is He who has called you, and He will also bring it to pass." WHAT AN ENCOURAGEMENT?!?! HE IS THERE!!! Oh how wonderful!

DOMA_intern said...

You should really pick this thing up again, despite current circumstances I'd still love to read about the daily happenings of K-Bro.
