
I Boast No More

No More My God, I boast no more of all the duties I have done. I quit the hopes I held before, to trust the merits of Thy Son.

No more my God, no more my God, no more my God, I boast no more.

Now, for the loss I bear his name, what was my gain I count my loss. My former pride I call my shame and nail my glory to His cross.

Yes, and I must, I will esteem all things but loss for Jesus' sake. O may my soul be found in Him and of His righteousness partake. Amen, amen.

The best obedience of my hands dares not appear before Thy throne. But faith can answer Thy demands by pleading what my Lord has done.

"I Boast No More" -- Isaac Watts, Caedmon's Call

These words have been ringing through my head the last few months. Especially the chorus. I don't remember where I heard this, but I was told once that in Scripture, when things are repeated three times it is specifically for the purpose of EMPHASIS. Not mere assertion but complete certainty and undeniability. When the seraphim call out "Holy, Holy, Holy" in praise of God, THEY ARE NOT THROWING THOSE WORDS AROUND as I easily do, and so many of us do. Each time the chorus of this song cries out "No more, my God" I hear it. I hear the utter frustration with the flesh, the longing for sanctification, and the burning desire to be laid completely down ... to let faith in Christ be the answer for the demands we cannot meet. I'll probably write more about this later, but being in Oregon right now is teaching me this ... I hope you're all well and CHOOSING to be laid down.

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