For the Voices artwork, I decided to go green. Not for any sort of symbolic reason... mostly just because I Corinthians: Dear Reno was red heavy. No big whoop. : )
If there is any symbolism to be had, it's in the fact that it's kind of a mess. The colors are a little muddy. Some of the words are deliberately out of focus and all seem to be competing for a place to call their own. There are all kinds of splotches contributing to the chaos. To draw the parallel, there are times when the noise in our lives gets so piercing, the fuzz so thick, that the one voice that matters most grows faint. I think that may be where my heart has been for the last week -- straining to hear Him through the busyness of life. I had the blessing of slowing down and taking communion tonight with one of my Small Groups and read John 6:55-58 in the process:
"For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever."
Jesus is the ultimate satisfaction, the ultimate nourishment, the ultimate fulfillment. His voice will cut through all of the noise and will silence every doubt, every hunger pang, every naysayer, every fear, every boast, every selfish thought.
Ironically enough, if I were ever given the opportunity to take my soapbox and set it up somewhere (regardless if anyone is there to listen), that is what I would want to talk about: abiding in Christ. I would contend with the saints and urge them to believe that the very Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in them -- and that this changes everything. I would plead with those who do not have a relationship with Jesus to connect to Him, the True Vine, and have life. To all I would say that Christ in you is the only hope of glory.
I've borrowed these words from a song we sing at LS from time to time, but I think it sums up my hope for the Voices series: "may Your voice be louder / may Your voice be clearer / than all the others / may Your face be dearer / may Your words be sweeter / than all the others in my life / please keep my eyes fixed on You / please root my heart so deep in You / keep me abiding / keep me abiding / so I might bear fruit."