
According to my blog, I really am forever 21!

To the eyes which grace this page (but more importantly the people behind them), I issue an apology for the lapse in posting. The last part of summer (after the Wedding Tour) has proven to be quite busy, indeed. Work + work + work + lack of internet access = no blogging for Kristine Brown. Yet this equation has been a nice change ... I really like to work hard and I've learned so much. School starts in a few days, and as I sit in the library, many students scurry around me to finish up their preparations. I must go and do the same. Friends, hold fast to your confession of faith without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. This has been returning to me again and again as the weeds and tares of the world spring up to unearth the seeds He has sown in my life. Hold on tight and remember that you are held onto.


Jeff Jacobson said...

Hello friend, Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you have a great year at school. Keep in the Word. In it hold the mystery of life. Search for him like silver!

god bless,

Alissa said...

I would love to have coffee with you. Sip slowly and savour much.
Conversation sweet, and precious as we would share all that God has done and blessed us with.
Memories old and ones I look forward to making with you!
I talked to Dyra and thought of you!
Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hold Fast, Stand Firm and walk...in Christ

Antonia Jacobson geb Oehm said...

I am thinking of you often, my friend.

Antonia Jacobson geb Oehm said...

Yup...you are still 21...HAHA.
I miss you girl!
Your sister Antonia.

Anonymous said...

We can we expect more updates???

Amie said...

keep posting friend